"More interconnection: improving energy security and lowering bills" – DECC
European Commission approves ElecLink’s request for regulatory exemption
ElecLink receives Electricity Interconnector Licence from Ofgem
6 January 2025

Approved Changes to ElecLink’s Access Rules

We are pleased to announce that both Ofgem and CRE have approved a number of changes to ElecLink's Access Rules. The Ofgem decision can be found here, and the CRE decision can be found here

As per the Access Rules consultation held earlier this year, please note that the approved amendments include:

  1. Amendments to our Intraday Auctions
  2. Amendments to our Intraday Nomination Gates timings
  3. Various administrative modifications required by JAO to ensure alignment with the EU Harmonized Allocation Rules
  4. Various administrative modifications to reflect the change from National Grid ESO (NGESO) to the new entity National Energy System Operator (NESO)

The Access Rules will come into effect once ElecLink’s new nomination platform, Helix, is live.

15 May 2024

Update: ElecLink's REMIT publications

From Monday 3rd June 2024, ElecLink will be moving its asset outage publications from the Elexon BMRS Portal to Nord Pool’s REMIT UMM Platform.

From this date, notifications will no longer be made via Elexon and instead will only be made available via Nord Pool.

The Nord Pool REMIT UMM Platform can be accessed at nordpoolgroup.com

14 March 2024

ElecLink Announces Development of new Nomination Platform

We are excited to announce that ElecLink is developing a NEW nomination platform in collaboration with Supercharge.

ElecLink is fine-tuning the interconnector experience with the help of Supercharge; to seamlessly replace Neptune by launching the development of a new platform built specifically for managing nominations efficiently and easily whilst maintaining high levels of security and reliability.

The new nomination platform will combine an improved user experience with additional features and will be launched next year.

More information will be available throughout the development including an opportunity for customers to explore and test the platform later in the year.

23 November 2023

CRE approves ElecLink’s amended Splitting Rules Methodology

Following the Splitting Rules Methodology consultation that was held earlier this year, we are pleased to announce that CRE has approved all the requested changes. The decision from CRE can be found here.

The amended Splitting Rules Methodology will take effect from 23rd November 2023, amendments to the rules include:

  1. Introduction of two new products
  2. Increased flexibility within the Annual and Day Ahead capacity splitting ranges
  3. Within year variations to product offerings
  4. Capacity split adjustments in the event of an unplanned outage
  5. Removal of go-live references

The amended Splitting Rules Methodology can be found here

06 October 2023

CRE approves ElecLink’s amended Access Rules

CRE has approved a number of changes to ElecLink’s Access Rules, this follows an earlier decision by Ofgem to approve the rules. The CRE decision, together with the amended Access Rules can be found here.

This notice, in accordance with Article 4.1 of the approved Access Rules serves to bring the updated rules into effect for capacity sold from 7th November 2023.

As per the Access Rules consultation held earlier this year, amendments to the rules include:

  1. Moving Intraday Auction 1 to 19:30-20:00 D-1;
  2. Amending Intraday Nomination Gate 1.1 to open at 20:30 D-1 and close at 21:00 D-1;
  3. Bringing the Day-Ahead Auction forward slightly, so that it runs from 09:28 to 09:50 D-1; and
  4. Alignment with the IFA/IFA2 Access Rules regarding the cancellation of Nomination Gates. In the event of an unplanned outage, ElecLink may need to cancel intraday Nomination Gates.
09 August 2023

Ofgem approves ElecLink’s amended Access Rules

Ofgem has approved a number of changes to ElecLink's Access Rules, with an equivalent decision from CRE expected in September. The Ofgem decision, together with the amended Access Rules, can be found here.

As per the Access Rules consultation held earlier this year, please note that the amendments include:

  1. Moving Intraday Auction 1 to 19:30-20:00 D-1;
  2. Amending Intraday Nomination Gate 1.1 to open at 20:30 D-1 and close at 21:00 D-1; and
  3. Bringing the Day-Ahead Auction forward slightly, so that it runs from 09:28 to 09:50 D-1.

Implementation timescales for the amended Access Rules will be confirmed to market participants following receipt of approval from CRE.

07 August 2023

Splitting Rules Methodology Consultation

Today ElecLink has opened a consultation on a number of modifications to its Splitting Rules Methodology. These modifications compromise the following:

  1. Introduction of two new products
  2. Increased flexibility within the Annual and Day Ahead capacity splitting ranges
  3. Within year variations to product offerings
  4. Capacity split adjustments in the event of an unplanned outage
  5. Removal of go-live references

Stakeholders are invited to send their contributions on this consultation to team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk by the closing date of 23:59 on 07/09/2023.

Further details on the consultation and the proposed updated version of the ElecLink Splitting Rules Consultation can be found on the Regulation page of this website.

16 December 2022

Access Rules Consultation

20 October 2022

Intraday go-live

We are very pleased to share that on 18th October 2022 ElecLink successfully launched its Intraday product. Two auctions and six nomination gates are now available on a daily basis for within day capacity.

This completes the roll-out of our product offering following our go-live earlier this year. Many thanks to National Grid ESO, RTE and our expert suppliers for their support with the successful implementation and on-going operation of this product.

At ElecLink we are always looking for opportunities to improve our commercial offering. As such if you have any feedback on the ElecLink Intraday product please don’t hesitate to get in touch via team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk

22 September 2022

Intraday Launch Webinar

We are pleased to share that the ElecLink Intraday product will be launched in October 2022.

Ahead of the launch of the Intraday product we will be holding a short webinar on 28th September 2022 from 3-4pm CE(S)T.

During this Webinar members of the ElecLink Team will provide further details on the Intraday product including:

  • The go-live date for the ElecLink Intraday product
  • Timings for the Intraday Auctions and Nomination Gates
  • Recap on how to nominate via ElecLink’s bespoke platform Neptune
  • Overview of the Intraday firmness and curtailment provisions
  • Feedback and Q&A

To attend the Intraday Webinar please register here

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch via team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk

09 June 2022

Change to Long-Term Nomination Gate Closure & Firmness Deadline

06 June 2022

ElecLink's capacity restrictions

20 May 2022

Auction Calendar Publication

20 May 2022

Go-Live notice

Following the conclusion of all go-live requirements we are very pleased to be able to announce the commercial Go-Live date for the ElecLink Interconnector.

In line with the REMIT notice found here, the first ElecLink Day Ahead Explicit Auction will take place on:

24/05/2022 09:40 Hrs – 10:00 Hrs CEST

Following on from this auction, market parties who have successfully secured capacity will be able to nominate and flow power commercially on ElecLink from 12:00 (CEST) on 25/05/2022.

13 May 2022

Commissioning Activity Successfully Completed

We are pleased to announce that on 13/05/2022 ElecLink completed the final commissioning requirements prior to go-live.

This marks the end of our commissioning programme and allows us to confidently move into the final stage of go-live preparations.

We would like to thank the full ElecLink team and our partners for their valuable contributions to the delivery of this significant milestone.

02 March 2022

ElecLink receives go-ahead from Intergovernmental Commission

Following comprehensive review ElecLink received approval from the Intergovernmental Commission to proceed with commissioning activity on 21/02/2022. ElecLink is scheduled to begin commercial operations following successful completion of this commissioning process.

In readiness for go-live, Market Participants are invited to begin the process of registering as an ElecLink customer. This will allow Market Participants to purchase and nominate ElecLink capacity from commercial go-live.

Full details on how to register as an ElecLink customer can be found within the customer section of our website. Should you have any questions please contact a member of the ElecLink Customer Support Team on team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk

16 November 2021

ElecLink announces today the start of a public consultation on the ElecLink Splitting Rules Methodology. The consultation closes on 15 December 2021. Please visit consultation page here

25 June 2021

Railway Integration Tests

From the 1st September 2021 and into October 2021, the commissioning of the ElecLink interconnector connecting the GB and FR Transmission Systems will commence and ElecLink will start railway integration tests with active power transfers. The railway integration tests with active power transfers will take place between France and GB. The associated direction and volume of power flow will vary. Further information will be provided in July and August, via the REMIT page of the Elexon BMRS.



26 April 2021

UK TSOs publish Cost Benefit Analysis on Loose Volume Coupling

The Trade & Cooperation Arrangement (TCA) between the United Kingdom and the European Union sets out proposed trading arrangements to replace the UK’s membership of the Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) market. Annex ENER-4 of the TCA sets out the broad requirement for this new market design, known as Loose Volume Coupling (LVC). Under LVC, the volume and flow of interconnectors between the UK and EU bidding zones directly connected to the UK are determined independently from the pan-EU SDAC market process.

As set out in the TCA, a first step in the development of the LVC solution is the delivery of a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). Relevant UK and EU TSOs have worked together with their consultancy partners (CEPA) to publish this first stage deliverable which can be found at the link below.

UK TSOs would like to invite wider stakeholder feedback from across the industry on the published CBA report and the supporting presentation. While the TCA sets out a formal consultation period for the development of technical procedures at a later stage, general industry feedback on the broad design of LVC as set out in the report and presentation is a key first step in the progression of the solution.

Please provide your feedback to team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk or directly to any of the UK Interconnectors:

BritNed Development Limited
EirGrid Interconnector DAC
ElecLink Limited
Moyle Interconnector Limited
National Grid Ventures (representing IFA, IFA2 and NSL)
Nemo Link Limited

Industry feedback sessions are planned as follows:
UK – EFET-Energy UK TCA Forum (11th May)
UK – Joint European Stakeholder Group (11th May)
SEM - All Island Industry Forum (29th April)

Please contact us or any of the UK Interconnectors if you would like feedback to be shared with any other industry group not listed here.

The CBA and associated documentation is published here: ifa1interconnector.com


10 December 2020

Getlink: IGC agrees to ElecLink cable pull through the Tunnel

Getlink welcomes this next step forward in deploying ElecLink, the 1000MW electrical interconnector between the United Kingdom and France through the Channel Tunnel, which follows the authorisation obtained in October to carry out connection tests between the converter stations and the high voltage national networks. The quality of the safety dossier prepared for the project enabled the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC), the Channel Tunnel Safety Authority to reinstate the project’s approval on 10 December. This will enable the completion of the interconnector construction, following on from the completion of the converter stations which are now connected to the RTE and National Grid networks.

Works on the cable pull are expected to start in February 2021 and finish in summer 2021. The cable pull will take place during scheduled maintenance nights in the North rail tunnel.

Following this work, an in-depth testing and commissioning phase will take place before commercial commissioning, scheduled for mid-2022.

Yann Leriche, Getlink’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “This decision is the result of in-depth and rigorous work by our teams, who produced extremely detailed safety studies, as well as the excellent quality of dialogue and the trust established with the IGC and its committees. ElecLink will contribute to the robustness of European supply and to the energy transition: our shareholders, our state regulators and all of our partners look to the future with each step forward in the project.”

23 March 2020

Public consultation on the France – Great Britain Border Specific Annex to the Harmonised Allocation Rules

ElecLink, NGIC, NGIFA2 and RTE announce today the start of the public consultation on the France – Great Britain Border Specific Annex to the Harmonised Allocation Rules. The consultation closes on 20 April 2020. Details on how to participate in the consultation can be found in the consultation paper below. Interested parties are invited to send their feedback no later than the closing date to team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk

Consultation Documents

A. Consultation paper

B. FR-GB Border Specific Annex (clean)

C. FR-GB Border Specific Annex (draft)

D. Explanatory note

17 December 2019

Regulatory approvals of ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement

The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (“Ofgem”) and the Commission de régulation de l’énergie (“CRE”) approved the updated ElecLink Access Rules and the Charging Methodology Statement applicable in the event that the United Kingdom remains in the European internal energy market. Both decisions were issued on 27 August 2019 and 17 October 2019 respectively and can be found on their websites.

ElecLink Access Rules (Issue 2) (pdf)

Annex to the ElecLink Access Rules (Issue 2) (pdf)

Charging Methodology Statement (Issue 2) (pdf)

In addition, CRE and Ofgem approved, on 17 October 2019 and 13 December 2019 respectively, the ElecLink Access Rules and the Charging Methodology Statement applicable in the event that the membership of the United Kingdom in the European internal energy market is discontinued.

ElecLink Access Rules (Brexit scenario) (pdf)

Charging Methodology Statement (Brexit scenario) (pdf)

27 November 2019

ElecLink has completed the IT implementation project to support day-ahead implicit auctions

Nord Pool is pleased to announce that its European Market Coupling Operator (EMCO) business has completed the IT implementation project to support day-ahead implicit auctions on the new 1GW ElecLink interconnector between the UK and France.

Upon ElecLink’s go-live in 2020, Nord Pool’s EMCO business will provide shipping services to help facilitate ElecLink’s regulatory obligations under EU Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management guidelines. For more information see Nord Pool press release.

16 August 2019

Public consultation on the ElecLink non-IEM Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement

ElecLink announces today the start of the public consultation on the ElecLink non-IEM Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement. The consultation closes on 13 September 2019. Details on how to participate in the consultation can be found in the consultation paper below. Interested parties are invited to send their feedback no later than the closing date to team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk.

Consultation Documents

A. ElecLink consultation paper (pdf)

B. ElecLink non-IEM Access Rules (pdf)

C. Charging Methodology Statement (pdf)

1 April 2019

Public consultation on the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement

15 February 2019

Certification of ElecLink as Transmission System Operator

The Commission de régulation de l’énergie (“CRE”) and the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (“Ofgem”) certified ElecLink as a Transmission System Operator in the UK and France under the ownership unbundling requirements of the Third Energy Package. Both decisions were issued on 31 January 2019 and 11 February 2019 respectively and can be found below.

Certification decision of CRE (only in French) (pdf)

Certification decision of Ofgem (pdf)

3 July 2017

Romain Fournier appointed as Chief Financial Officer

Graduated from the Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées, holder of a Master’s degree in Project Finance and with fifteen years of experience in Infrastructure Finance, Romain Fournier has joined Groupe Eurotunnel as Chief Financial Officer of ElecLink Limited.

Romain Fournier (pdf)

7 October 2016

Bidder Prospectus

A Bidder Prospectus is now available upon request to all parties interested in participating in the Open Season. In order to request the Bidder Prospectus, interested parties must sign and return to ElecLink the Non-Disclosure Agreement provided in the link below. Please contact ElecLink at team.eleclink@eleclink.co.uk for further information.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

10 May 2016

Regulatory approval of ElecLink Access Rules

The ElecLink Access Rules were approved by the Commission de Regulation de l’Énergie (“CRE”) and the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (“Ofgem”) on 7 April 2016 and 14 April 2016 respectively.

ElecLink Access Rules – Approved by OFGEM and CRE

31 March 2016

Final draft versions of the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement

Further to the public consultation which took place from 22 October to 23 November 2015, ElecLink publishes the final draft versions of the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement. The final draft versions are subject to the approval of the national energy regulatory authorities in Great Britain and France, Ofgem and CRE respectively. ElecLink submitted the final draft versions to Ofgem and CRE for approval on 10 February 2016. The decision process can take up to 3 months.

A. ElecLink Access Rules – Final draft subject to regulatory approval

B. ElecLink Charging Methodology Statement – Final draft subject to regulatory approval

29 February 2016

Synthesis of the responses to the public consultation

ElecLink publishes a synthesis of the responses to the public consultation on the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement which took place from 22 October 2015 to 23 November 2015. The document sets out ElecLink’s responses to the comments received from different stakeholders, including the reasons underlying ElecLink’s position, and highlights the changes that ElecLink has introduced in the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement in response to the public consultation responses.”

A PDF of the article can be viewed here.

16 November 2015

A Future of Choice

Energy UK has joined forces with ITN Productions to make an online news-style programme to promote greater understanding of the energy industry. ElecLink are delighted to be involved in the production of this programme.

Introduced by national newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, “A Future of Choice” focuses on the choices the UK faces delivering continued energy security, and examines the evolution of the generation mix and the technological challenges facing the industry as it works towards sustained environment improvement.

The programme is also used as an opportunity to recognize and share the latest revolutionary developments throughout the UK, including the rising stars of the sector who are shaping tomorrow’s energy landscape. It examines how large capital investments in technologies, infrastructures and career training has been fundamental to address security of supply concerns and to address carbon reduction commitments.

This clip is ElecLink’s contribution to an overall ITN production which will be available to view in the near future.

22 October 2015

Public consultation on the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement

ElecLink announces today the start of the public consultation on the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement. The consultation closes on 23 November 2015. Details on how to participate in the consultation can be found in the consultation paper below. Interested parties are invited to send their feedback no later than the closing date to vasilis.machias@eleclink.co.uk.

A. ElecLink Consultation Paper
B. ElecLink Access Rules
C. ElecLink Access Rules - redline version against IFA Access Rules version 9
D. ElecLink Charging Methodology Statement

7 October 2015

Balfour Beatty/Prysmian nominated as preferred bidder (Lot 2)

ElecLink has nominated Balfour Beatty/Prysmian as the preferred bidder in the evaluation process for its Lot 2 contract. The scope of works includes the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Maintenance of the Cable Systems of the Channel Tunnel Interconnector Project.

30 June 2015

Appointment of Steven Moore as CEO

The Board of ElecLink is delighted to announce the appointment of Steven Moore as CEO, effective as of 6th July 2015. Steven was previously Director of Smart Metering with EDF Energy and before that Group Director of Commerce, Optimisation and Trading at EDF Paris. He has a broad range of experience that will benefit the company as it moves from being a project developer through construction and into operation.

Angus Norman, the current CEO, will be handing over to Steven over the next few weeks. Angus has been with ElecLink since 2012 and has been instrumental in bringing the company to its current stage of development and readiness for construction. The Board would like to thank Angus for his dedication and hard work for ElecLink and wishes him the very best for the future.

12 May 2015

Siemens AG nominated as preferred bidder (Lot 1)

ElecLink has nominated Siemens AG as the preferred bidder in the evaluation process for its Lot 1 contract. The scope of works includes the Overall System Design, Build, Operation and Maintenance of the Converter Stations in Folkestone (UK) and Coquelles (France).

21 November 2014

2014 CEF Energy call for proposals

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) provides grant funding to eligible ‘projects of common interest’. ElecLink is proud to have been selected to receive a financial grant under the 2014 CEF Energy call for proposals. It underscores the continued implementation of the project and its future contribution to European cross-border energy infrastructure.

31 October 2014

Eleclink invites market participants to register their interest in contracting interconnector capacity

ElecLink today announces the launch of the non-binding Expression of Interest phase for the allocation of long term contracts for up to 80% (800 MW) of the 1,000 MW ElecLink interconnector between France and Great Britain.

The move follows approvals by the competent national regulatory authorities, the Commission de régulation de l’énergie of France (“CRE”) and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets of Great Britain (“Ofgem”), and by the European Commission to forward sell part of the interconnector capacity on a long term basis.

The ElecLink Interconnector is expected to be fully operational in Q4 2017, thereby fast-tracking new interconnection capacity and enhancing security of electricity supply during a period when reserve margins in both Great Britain and France are forecast to be in decline.

The Multi-year Products will be allocated to interested buyers through an open, transparent and non-discriminatory auction process which is expected to take place in Q2 2015. ElecLink is considering offering various contract durations up to a maximum of 20 years after commissioning of the Interconnector.

Interested parties are invited to register their interest, on a non-binding and indicative basis, in contracting interconnector capacity by 1 December 2014.

Further information on how to participate can be found in the Expression of Interest Notice and the relevant Appendices below:

1. Expression of Interest Notice (including Appendices)
2. Appendix A – Indicative Heads of Terms
3. Appendix B – Expression of Interest Registration Form (non-binding)
4. Appendix C – Non-Disclosure Agreement
5. Appendix D – Final Exemption Decision
6. Appendix E – Joint Opinion of the NRAs

16 September 2014

Final decision by NRAs approving ElecLink’s request for regulatory exemption

The Commission de régulation de l’énergie of France (“CRE”) and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets of Great Britain (“Ofgem”) have published their final decision on ElecLink’s request for an exemption under Article 17 of Regulation (EC) 714/2009 for a Great Britain-France electricity interconnector.

CRE and Ofgem updated their original exemption decision and joint opinion published on 9 April 2014 to reflect minor changes requested by the European Commission covering ownership unbundling.

Their decision enables ElecLink to forward sell part of the interconnector capacity on a long term basis and specifies the conditions that the exemption is subject to.

A summary of the decision, as well as the final versions of the exemption decision and joint opinion can be found here:

Summary of the Regulators Final Decision
Final Joint Opinion of the Regulators; the CRE and Ofgem

28 July 2014

European Commission approves ElecLink’s request for regulatory exemption

The European Commission has approved the exemption from certain aspects of European legislation granted to ElecLink by the UK and French regulators (Ofgem and Commission de Régulation de l'Energie respectively). The decision from the national regulators grants ElecLink a partial exemption pursuant to article 17 of Regulation 714/2009 from certain rules on the use of revenues, ownership unbundling and third party access.

ElecLink will now work with the national regulators on implementing the decision into local licence conditions. ElecLink is proceeding with a number of workstreams to be completed before the project reaches financial close, including the final engineering design to comply with the Eurotunnel safety case and grid codes. After gaining approval from the national regulators for the chosen process of allocating capacity, ElecLink will conduct an auction of long-term capacity products which will underpin ElecLink’s non-recourse project financing to secure debt for the construction phase of the project.

A copy of the European Commission’s exemption can be found here:

Please direct all media enquiries to Vasilis Machias via: Email: vasilis.machias@eleclink.co.uk
Phone: +44 203 3693 5324

9 April 2014

The French and UK regulators grant ElecLink a regulatory exemption. Ofgem in agreement with the Commission de Régulation de l'Energie have granted ElecLink an exemption from certain aspects of European legislation.

The Exemption Decision is subject to compliance by ElecLink with certain conditions that are designed to ensure that the exemption is appropriate and proportionate. In summary, the Exemption Decision includes the following conditions:

  • Use of Revenues – A partial exemption from the use of revenue requirements is given and includes a profit sharing mechanism that will provide an adequate return to shareholders and ensure that excessive profits are shared with GB and French network users.
  • Ownership Unbundling Rules – A partial exemption from ownership unbundling is awarded that requires ElecLink to comply with an amended unbundling model. This model will not compromise the investment strategy of ElecLink’s existing shareholders, subject to adequate business separation and within pre-defined limits. ElecLink will be required to be certified and ensure that it is fully compliant with the conditions contained in the Exemption Decision, prior to the start of commercial operation of the interconnector.
  • Third Party Access – A partial exemption from TPA is granted for the multi-year capacity that ElecLink will allocate through their Open Season. Limits are included on the maximum duration and volume of multi-year capacity along with a limit on the amount of multi-year capacity that can be awarded to any one party. ElecLink will be subject to market coupling and will be required to put in place measures to ensure all un-nominated capacity is made available for short-term trading.
  • Approval of Access Rules and Charging Methodologies/tariffs – No exemption is given from requirements to submit to both NRAs the access and charging arrangements for both the capacity allocated through the Open Season, and non- exempt capacity. The NRAs will assess whether the arrangements for the Open Season comply with the principles set out in the Exemption Decision. In GB access and charging arrangements for non-exempt capacity will need to be submitted and approved as described in Standard Licence Conditions (SLC) 10 and 11A of ElecLink’s interconnector licence.

Further information and a copy of the full Joint Opinion can be found here.

20 February 2014

Public consultation event at Sellindge Village Hall

Following the requirements of the TEN-E regulations ElecLink have a public consultation day in Sellindge Village Hall, Kent to outline the their proposals for the Project works in the UK.

A PDF of the article can be viewed here.

A PDF of the feedback form can be downloaded here.

9 February 2014

Kent on Sunday advertisement for consultation 'drop in day' at Sellindge Village Hall

A PDF of the advertisement can be viewed here.

28 November 2013

Launch of CRE and Ofgem public consultation for a regulatory exemption under article 17 of Regulation (EC) 714/2009

Ofgem and the CRE have launched their joint consultation on ElecLink’s request for an exemption under article 17 of Regulation (EC) 714/2009 for a GB-France interconnector.

Full details of the consultation process can be found on the websites of Ofgem and the CRE.

In English here
In French here

In addition documents supporting the consultation process provide evidence given by ElecLink in its application and provide additional information on the impact of ElecLink on the French and GB transmission grids can also be downloaded from the links above. Interested parties may respond to the consultation.

The public consultation commences 28 November 2013 for a four week period. Responses should be received by Ofgem and the CRE by 3 January 2014.


19 November 2013

Grant of an Electricity Interconnector Licence in Great Britain

ElecLink received notice under Section 6A(5) of the Electricity Act 1989 of the grant of an Electricity Interconnector Licence by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority authorising it to participate in the operation of the ElecLink interconnector, an electricity interconnector between Great Britain and France connecting at Sellindge 400kV substation in Great Britain.

Further detail is provided at Ofgem’s website at the following link


15 October 2013

ElecLink launches request for expressions of interest from bidders for the detailed design, construction, operation and maintenance of a 1000MW Interconnector

The full announcement appeared in the Financial Times on 15 October 2013. A full transcript of the announcement can be found here

19 September 2013

ElecLink signs grid connection agreements in France and Great Britain and submits request for regulatory exemption

ElecLink, the Channel Tunnel interconnector project, today announced two major developments to realise an additional 1000MW of interconnector capacity with continental Europe. ElecLink has agreed and signed connection agreements with National Grid Electricity Transmission Limited (NGET) and Réseau de transport d’électricité (RTE) for access to the national transmission systems in England and France.

Under these contracts NGET and RTE will provide ElecLink with connections capable of importing and exporting up to 1000MW of power from their transmission substations at Sellindge, in South East England, and Les Mandarins, in Northern France, respectively. The connections will be operational from the fourth quarter of 2016.

ElecLink has subsequently submitted a request to the national energy regulators; la Commission de Régulation de l'Énergie and Gas and Electricity Markets Authority to exempt the company from certain articles of the European Commission’s third energy package directives and regulations that would allow ElecLink to operate as a merchant interconnector.

The national regulators’ six month review process will include a public consultation towards the end of the year. The granting of an appropriate regulatory exemption is a condition to ElecLink’s financial close scheduled for the first half of 2014.. The full report can be found here

18 September 2013

Ofgem and the CRE confirm receipt of ElecLink’s request for a regulatory exemption under article 17 of Regulation (EC) 714/2009

ElecLink submitted a request for exemption under Article 17 to Ofgem and the CRE (together the National Regulatory Authorities or NRAs) and was formally notified of receipt of its exemption request by CRE on 11 September 2013 and by Ofgem on 18 September 2013.

In accordance with Article 17, the concerned NRAs must reach an agreement on whether the exemption should be granted within 6 months of the date of receipt of the exemption request by the last of the two concerned NRAs.

Accordingly, Ofgem and CRE are required to make a decision on whether to grant ElecLink’s request for exemption by 17 March 2014.

The NRAs final decision to exempt new investments in cross border electricity interconnectors from legal provisions concerning third party access, regulatory approval for tariffs, use of revenue and ownership unbundling is subject to the approval of the European Commission.

The granting of an exemption is condition precedent for the final investment decision to proceed with the project.


15 February 2019

Certification of ElecLink as Transmission System Operator

The Commission de régulation de l’énergie (“CRE”) and the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (“Ofgem”) certified ElecLink as a Transmission System Operator in the UK and France under the ownership unbundling requirements of the Third Energy Package. Both decisions were issued on 31 January 2019 and 11 February 2019 respectively and can be found below.

Certification decision of CRE (only in French) (pdf)

Certification decision of Ofgem (pdf)

17 December 2013

UK Government’s sets out its views on further interconnection

The UK Government set out its views on further interconnection in its report “More interconnection: improving energy security and lowering bills”

It is clear from the analysis that GB’s security of supply would be enhanced by further interconnection, providing that electricity prices reflect scarcity and interconnector flows reflect prices. Interconnection is also one of the technologies that can assist with the integration of further low-carbon generation. ElecLink is one of the projects identified as contributing to near-term additional interconnector capacity. The full report can be found here