Public consultation

Closed consultation (2024):

ElecLink consulted on a number of changes to the ElecLink Access Rules. This consultation closed on 10th September 2024.

Consultation Documents

ElecLink Access Rules
Consultation Paper (English)
Consultation Paper (French)

Closed consultation (2023):

ElecLink has opened a consultation on a number of modifications to the ElecLink Splitting Rules Methodology

Consultation Documents

A. consultation paper
B. Splitting Rules Methodology

Closed consultation (2022):

ElecLink consulted on a number of operational changes to the ElecLink Access Rules. This consultation closed on 20th January 2023.

Consultation Documents

A. consultation paper (English)
B. consultation paper (French)
C. Eleclink Access Rules

Closed consultation (2021):

ElecLink consulted on the ElecLink Splitting Rules Methodology. The consultation closed on 15 December 2021.

Consultation Documents

A. consultation paper
B. Splitting Rules Methodology Download
C. CRE Decision on Splitting Rules Methodology

Closed Consultations (2020):

ElecLink conducted a public consultation on the France – Great Britain Border Specific Annex to the Harmonised Allocation Rules from 23 March 2020 to 20 April 2020. The relevant documentation is available below.

Consultation Documents

A. consultation paper
B. FR-GB Border Specific Annex (clean)
C. FR-GB Border Specific Annex (draft)
D. Explanatory note

Closed Consultations (2019):

1. ElecLink conducted a public consultation on the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement applicable in the event of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit scenario from 16 August 2019 to 13 September 2019. The relevant documentation is available below.

Consultation Documents

A. ElecLink consultation paper
B. ElecLink non-IEM Access Rules
C. Charging Methodology Statement
2. ElecLink conducted a public consultation on the amendment to the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement from 1 April 2019 to 1 May 2019. The relevant documentation is available below.

Consultation Documents

A. ElecLink consultation paper
B. ElecLink open season rules (clean)
C. ElecLink open season rules (draft)
D. Allocation rules for intraday capacity allocation on the ElecLink interconnector
E. Explicit day ahead and intraday nomination rules for ElecLink
F. Charging methodology statement

Supporting Documents

G. Harmonised allocation rules
H. Request for amendment by the NRAs to the GB-FR border specific annex
I. JAO shadow allocation rules
J. Channel regional long-term nomination rules
K. Amended Channel regional long-term nomination rules (version published for consultation)
L. Channel day ahead fallback methodology
M. JAO participation agreement
N. ElecLink nomination participation agreement

Closed Consultations (2015):

ElecLink conducted a public consultation on the ElecLink Access Rules and Charging Methodology Statement from 22 October 2015 to 23 November 2015. The relevant documentation is available below.
ElecLink Consultation Paper
22 October 2015
ElecLink Access Rules (Draft for consultation)
22 October 2015
ElecLink Access Rules – redline version against IFA Access Rules version 9 (Draft for consultation)
22 October 2015
ElecLink Charging Methodology Statement (Draft for consultation)
22 October 2015
Synthesis of consultation responses
29 February 2015