What is an interconnector?

An interconnector is a high voltage cable which connects the energy systems of two markets allowing the transfer of electricity from one market to another. In doing so interconnectors help to support security of supply, decarbonisation and the delivery of more affordable energy to consumers.

What makes ElecLink unique as an interconnector?

ElecLink is the first high voltage direct current (HVDC) interconnector to be built, installed and commissioned inside the Eurotunnel, which is an undersea tunnel with running passenger traffic. With this approach ElecLink minimises its environmental impact by utilising already existing infrastructure on the seabed in the English Channel.

What benefits does ElecLink bring to consumers?

ElecLink delivers three primary benefits to consumers:

  1. Security of supply
  2. Decarbonisation
  3. Affordability

Firstly, ElecLink promotes security of supply in the markets it connects by providing access to a larger pool of capacity than if either system was to rely upon domestic generation alone to meet demand requirements.  Through the provision of ancillary services ElecLink also provides the system operators with a number of tools which can be used to support the balancing of the system.
Secondly, ElecLink allows the transfer of zero carbon energy between GB and France. When there is an excess of wind generation in GB it can be transferred to France and conversely excess zero carbon nuclear power generation in France can be shared with GB. The flexibility that ElecLink provides will also be vital as we transition to energy systems increasingly dominated by renewable forms of generation.
Finally, ElecLink is able to help deliver affordable energy bills by enabling the transfer of energy from the market where it is priced lowest to the one where it is priced highest. In doing so ElecLink facilitates the lowering of the wholesale electricity prices which can then be passed onto consumers through their energy bills.
Further information on the benefits of ElecLink can be found in this video.

How do I purchase/ nominate capacity on ElecLink?

To be able to purchase and nominate capacity on ElecLink you first need to register as an ElecLink customer. Guidance on the process for registering as an ElecLink customer can be found within the “Customers” section of our website. Through this registration process you will be granted access to JAO and Neptune, the platforms which we use for capacity auctions and nominations respectively.

What is Neptune?

Neptune is ElecLink’s bespoke nomination platform. Built in partnership with GE Grid Solutions, Neptune offers Market Participants the ability to nominate acquired Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday ElecLink capacity. More information about Neptune can be found in our “Customer” section under Neptune and data website.

What is JAO?

The Joint Allocation Office (JAO) is the host for Europe's single leading trading platform for cross-border transmission rights called e-CAT. On behalf of TSOs, JAO auctions Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday transmission capacity rights across EU borders. All of ElecLink's capacity auctions will be made available on JAO from commercial go-live."

Why does ElecLink have an exemption?

ElecLink holds a partial exemption from having to comply with certain aspects of EU legislation. Due to the unique nature of the ElecLink project (in comparison to other operational GB interconnectors) this exemption was required to provide sufficient certainty to allow the project to proceed. By achieving this exemption ElecLink has been able to continue to progress and will deliver significant consumer benefits from 2022 onwards as a result.

Where can I find operational data for ElecLink?

Operational data for ElecLink can be found through Entso-e Transparency Platform or through our website data.eleclink.co.uk.
The data available on the ElecLink data website is as follows:



Scheduled Commercial Exchanges.

Scheduled day-ahead commercial exchanges in aggregated form between bidding zones per direction and market time unit.

Physical Flow.

Physical flows displayed in netted average hourly MW in the appropriate direction across the interconnector.

Total Nominated Capacity.

A sum of Long Term, Day Ahead and Intraday nominations (explicit and implicit). Values are displayed in netted average hourly MW between bidding zones per market time unit.

Net Transfer Capacity and outages.

The historic and latest forecast of Net Transfer Capacity values, including unavailability of the ElecLink interconnector. Values are displayed in average hourly MW between bidding zones per market time unit.

How has ElecLink been impacted by Brexit?

ElecLink has primarily been impacted by Brexit by the removal of the UK from the Internal Energy Market (IEM). This has in turn has prevented GB interconnectors from access to Market Coupling and as such implicit Day Ahead products. ElecLink instead offers Day Ahead capacity through explicit auctions on the JAO platform.

ElecLink continues to support work on the development of alternative trading solutions such as Loose Volume Coupling as required by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).

What capacity products will ElecLink offer?

ElecLink will offer Yearly, Seasonal, Quarterly and Monthly long -term products along with Day Ahead and Intraday. All of these products will be made available on JAO’s eCAT platform. Market Participants will be notified in advance of the Long Term auction dates and the auction calendar will be published on the JAO website.

Will ElecLink take planned outages?

In order to promote the continued health of the asset we will need to undertake routine maintenance. This asset maintenance will sometimes require a short period of outage on the interconnector. These outages will be announced in advance with the dates of the outage schedule to be made available on the ElecLink website and via the BM Reports REMIT platform (National Grid) or on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform (RTE).