ElecLink delivers three primary benefits to consumers:
- Security of supply
- Decarbonisation
- Affordability
Firstly, ElecLink promotes security of supply in the markets it connects by providing access to a larger pool of capacity than if either system was to rely upon domestic generation alone to meet demand requirements. Through the provision of ancillary services ElecLink also provides the system operators with a number of tools which can be used to support the balancing of the system.
Secondly, ElecLink allows the transfer of zero carbon energy between GB and France. When there is an excess of wind generation in GB it can be transferred to France and conversely excess zero carbon nuclear power generation in France can be shared with GB. The flexibility that ElecLink provides will also be vital as we transition to energy systems increasingly dominated by renewable forms of generation.
Finally, ElecLink is able to help deliver affordable energy bills by enabling the transfer of energy from the market where it is priced lowest to the one where it is priced highest. In doing so ElecLink facilitates the lowering of the wholesale electricity prices which can then be passed onto consumers through their energy bills.
Further information on the benefits of ElecLink can be found in this video.